Body corporate fences

Body corporate fences are a crucial aspect of multi-unit developments, providing security, privacy, and a sense of community for residents. Body corporate fences are typically installed around the perimeter of the development, and are designed to separate the common property from the individual units.

The design, construction, and maintenance of body corporate fences are typically the responsibility of the owners corporation, and are governed by the bylaws and rules of the development.

These bylaws and rules outline the requirements for the fence, including its height, materials, and any specific features that may be required.

It is important to understand that body corporate fences are typically considered to be part of the common property, and are therefore owned by the owners corporation.

This means that residents are responsible for paying levies to cover the cost of maintaining and repairing the fence, and that any changes or modifications to the fence must be approved by the owners corporation.

When considering changes or modifications to a body corporate fence, it is important to consult with the owners corporation and any relevant professional advisers, such as architects or engineers. This will help to ensure that your proposal is in line with the bylaws and rules, and that it is feasible and practical.

It is also important to consider the impact of any changes or modifications on your neighbors, and to ensure that the changes do not cause any disruption or inconvenience. In some cases, it may be necessary to seek the approval of your neighbors or the local authorities before proceeding with any changes to the body corporate fence.

In conclusion, body corporate fences play an important role in multi-unit developments, providing security, privacy, and a sense of community for residents.

Understanding the role of the fence, and being mindful of the responsibilities that come with its use, is essential for ensuring the long-term success of the community. If you are considering changes or modifications to a body corporate fence, it is important to consult with the owners corporation and relevant professional advisers, and to consider the impact of your proposal on your neighbors and the community.